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Representing American Muslims, ICNA, and Helping Hand

President of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Dr. Mohsin Ansari and CEO of Helping Hand USA (HHRD) Br. Javaid Siddqui are visiting Pakistan to oversee flood relief efforts. They expressed extreme concern that millions of Pakistanis are in dire need of help and assistance. Both the leaders visited worst affected areas and helped out in relief efforts. Later , in a press conference HHRD USA announced a package of 15 million dollars (ساڑھے تین ارب روپے) for Pakistan flood relief!

ICNA and Helping Hand USA is working day and night to distribute food, water, shelter kits, tarps, and the essentials that Pakistan needs at this time.
This would NOT be possible without YOUR generous donations. We ask that you please keep #lendingahelpinghand during this tough time.

Make Hope Float as Monsoon Season Devastates Pakistan

33 million residents need assistance with shelter, medicine, food, and clean water. Your support will help families and marginalized communicates receive live saving support. A helping hand for a hopeful heart can make a world of a difference.

Visit today to see how you can help.

A Humanitarian Crisis of Epic Proportions is underway in Pakistan as Monsoon Flooding affects 33 Million Residents.

Entire communities have been swept away leaving over 200,000 in temporary shelters. Join Helping Hand USA as we continue to provide immediate assistance across Balochistan, Punjab, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

To save a life visit

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