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ICNA brings to you informative, educational and valuable online programming for the entire family via its webinars. You are invited to check the schedule and register yourself for these programs by renowned experts and scholars.

Link for Health Matters RSVP

Health Matters – Tuesday at 8:30 pm EST

From Fear to Empowered: Optimize Your Immune System – The Quranic Way 
by Dr. Madiha Saeed 
Click here to RSVP
“… Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Quran 13:11)
We walk the world worried, fearful, stressed, needing to control. We can’t control the future, we can’t change the past. We can control ourselves. Allah (SWT) has given us the chance to change what is within ourselves, he has given us hope. With shops and restaurants closed, we are forced to reflect at home. Think about what we can change, how we can improve what we can control–our every day decisions and actions. We must go from fear and hopelessness and empowered full of hope, with education to set us free and allow us to thrive. Time to take care of the body that Allah has gifted us. Time to empower ourselves by strengthening our bodies, our minds and our hearts, thereby strengthening our immune systems and increasing our resilience. Learn lifestyle tips, straight from the Quran and Sunnah, to optimize your immune system and health, and replacing fear with empowerment and hope. Time to change what we can control, so we can truly change the condition of the world from the inside out.
Tuesday at 8:30 pm EST | Link for live link!
Link for Health Matters RSVP

Quran Study Session – Wednesday at 9:30 pm

Surah Ala-Imran, verses 169–175
by Imam Jawad Ahmed
Imam Jawad graduated from International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan with a Bachelors (with Honors) degree in Usool-uddin (Islamic sciences) with specialization in Tafseer and Hadith.
Wednesday at 9:30 pm EST | Link for live link!
Quran Study Session RSVP

LIVE Friday Talks – 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm EST

Friday Talks Reminder
by Dr. Daud Nassimi
Teaching Islam and Comparative Religions at Johns Hopkins University Osher and NOVA College.He has volunteered to serve the various Muslim communities as an Imam, Khateeb, teacher, marriage celebrant, and family and youth counselor.
Friday at 1:30 pm EST | RSVP now!
RSVP for Live Friday Talks


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