Like millions of people around the globe, ICNA’s leadership and members are processing the heartbreaking news of a 7.8 earthquake and aftershocks that wreaked havoc in Turkiye and Syria. ICNA mourns with the two brotherly nations for all those who perished and as of now the death toll is increasing. We join you in your grief and our hearts go out to all those who are affected by this disaster.
ICNA also makes special Du’as for those who died in the earthquake and our hope is that Allah SWT writes them among the martyrs. We pray for the quick recovery of the injured and call upon the Ummah to make special Du’as for those who are still trapped under the rubbles, that they are rescued safely.
Our hearts are full of hope and thanks be to Allah SWT for we are a resilient Ummah. The hopes of the Ummah are alive. We believe that when one part of the human body aches the whole body suffers. For this, ICNA calls upon the Muslims around the globe and particularly here in the USA to do the following:
- Make lots of Du’as for everyone who has been impacted by this earthquake.
- Provide financial help to relief organizations which are working on the ground. Helping Hand (hhrd.org) has pledged an initial U.S. $5 million to provide immediate help in the recovery process. This amount may increase in the near future.
- Dedicate this Friday’s Khutbahs on the topic of earthquake and its devastating effects and how we can take part in the rescue efforts.
- Raise awareness of the recovery and rebuilding process and how each one of us can help.
Once again, we ask Allah SWT, The Almighty to help all those who are affected and all those who helping those who are affected in both Turkiye and Syria.