Sender: American Muslim Task Force for Palestine
Subject Line: Actions to Take Beyond March4Gaza
Title: Voices United: Historic Protest in D.C. Calls for Ceasefire, Accountability, and Justice in Palestine
On January 13th, 2024, over 400,000 protestors marched through the streets of Washington, D.C., to reiterate our demands of the Biden Administration and Congress to:
- Call for and facilitate immediate and permanent cease-fire in Gaza
- End unconditional U.S. funding of Israel’s genocide against Gaza and the occupation of Palestine
- Hold Israel accountable for war crimes committed against the Palestinian people and its continuous violations of international law.
In partnership with the ANSWER coalition, the American Muslim Task Force for Palestine would like to thank all who joined us in the largest protest ever for Palestine in the U.S. Thank you to the over 350 organizations who endorsed and answered our call to March on Washington for Gaza. Despite the harsh winter, Americans came from over 35 states and 125+ cities to join their voices and demand the Biden administration listen to the people’s will.
This historic march on Martin Luther King Jr. weekend was a monumental moment for the movement for Palestine and a moment of reckoning for the Biden administration. Our collective demands and message were clear: We need an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the US aid for Israel, and for Israel to be held accountable for their violations of both US and international human rights.
With over 26,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza by Israel, 60k+ injured, and over 1.9 million internally displaced, we need to maintain the momentum and continue acting to save lives. U.S. complicity in this genocide and occupation of Palestine must come to an immediate end.
The American movement for a just U.S. foreign policy and the liberation of the Palestinian people is a multiracial, multifaith, and multigenerational movement. Our efforts will, God willing, continue until we see a free Palestine. We urge those who joined us to continue mobilizing and organizing. We invite you to take these next three steps.
- Organize locally for a ceasefire resolution
- Call and email your Members of Congress until there is a ceasefire
- Donate to the cause
The American Muslim Task Force for Palestine is deeply grateful for your commitment to justice. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” While we pray for our Palestinian brothers and sisters, we will also not relent in our efforts to demand justice and the liberation of all of Palestine.
American Muslim Task Force for Palestine
The American Muslim Task Force on Palestine includes American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Muslim American Society (MAS), Muslim Student Association-National (MSA), Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA), Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA), and Young Muslims (YM).