Eyewitness Account of Christchurch Tragedy by Dr. Mohsin Ansari | ICNA-MAS Convention 2019
Register for Next Convention at https://www.icnaconvention.org/register The ICNA-MAS annual convention is one of the largest gatherings of American Muslims in the U.S. Over 23,000 Muslims attended the convention in Washington, DC, in 2019, Alhamdulillah. It featured many top scholars and activists, in addition to many special events like Meals Distribution in Downtown, Mercy Bags distribution to senior homes and Street dawah near the White House. For more information: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icna Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/icna Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/icnatv Website: http://www.icna.org Phone: 718-658-1199 Donate at http://www.icna.org/donation/ Volunteer at http://www.icna.org/joinus/ source