Giveaway of hygiene products during coronavirus
By Lucas Phillips, Globe Correspondent Before the coronavirus began to spread, it might have been hard to guess how appreciated toilet paper and disinfectant would be this weekend.
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By Lucas Phillips, Globe Correspondent Before the coronavirus began to spread, it might have been hard to guess how appreciated toilet paper and disinfectant would be this weekend.
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By Emily Maher, KCRA Channel 3 Restaurants across the country are making sure health care workers at the frontlines are getting a hot meal.
By Asma, Neighbor, Apr 7, 2020 ICNA Relief Chicago is distributing food boxes to those who have lost their jobs, homebound elderly, widows, and other low-income neighbors.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Rescue Committee in Dallas had a plan — to encourage its clients to fill out the Census. Now the rescue committee and other groups are also making sure their clients — many of whom are refugees — have enough to eat and know how to stay safe.
By Anwar Iqbal WASHINGTON: The coronavirus pandemic has created unprecedented fiqhi and spiritual issues for the Muslim community in the United States, says Dr Asif Hirani, an Islamic scholar helping the community deal with this crisis.
From small business fundraisers to window sign drives and grocery giveaways, here’s how West Ridge neighbors are helping during the outbreak. By Joe Ward, Rogers Park, Edgewater, Uptown Reporter WEST RIDGE — With West Ridge having one of the largest coronavirus clusters in the state, residents and local groups are making sure their neighbors are equipped to handle the outbreak.
Demand for services at the Refugee Resource Center and Food Pantry is expected to skyrocket because of the virus outbreak. Joe Ward, Rogers Park, Edgewater, Uptown Reporter WEST RIDGE — A charity that helps refugees and other marginalized groups is seeking donations and volunteers to help its West Ridge food pantry serve more families during the coronavirus outbreak.
By Asma, Neighbor As COVID-19 spreads like wildfire in our communities, low-income families are struggling the most. The elderly are at risk. Self-employed workers see their businesses dry up. This trial is unlike any other of our time for many reasons, most of all, because it affects everyone.
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