Philadelphia Provides Update On COVID-19
Press release from the City of Philadelphia: November 23, 2020
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Press release from the City of Philadelphia: November 23, 2020
Democrats who want to browbeat (or worse) Trump supporters in Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and silence all dissent from the hard-Left’s agenda know better than to come before America and say, “We want to destroy the First Amendment and stifle the freedom of expression that is the indispensable foundation of any free society.”
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and a number of local food pantries are stepping up to ensure families hit hard financially by the pandemic will still have a turkey on the table this year.
The Seerah Conference organized by the Tarbiyah Department together with the Da’wah Department for Saturday November 21st, 2020 could not have come at a better time. In fact, this conference has been in the planning since the beginning of October long before the blasphemous cartoons of Rasoolullah once again emerged. This time in France.
It’s probably not exactly what President Donald Trump meant when he borrowed the historic jingoistic slogan “America First” for his administration, but since early in the global COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. has consistently held the Number One spot in coronavirus cases and deaths. It took less than two months for these numbers to grow from 200,000 to a mind-boggling 250,000 now.
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) has solidified its presence in the American Muslim population as a pioneering grassroots association focused on literacy, self-development, outreach, and community services.
Eric Adam, president of the Brooklyn Borough of New York, praised the services of officials, volunteers and 180 individuals from 10 Pakistani organizations for their community service and welfare work during the Covid-19 outbreak.
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) has strengthened its presence in the American Muslim population as a ground-breaking progressive organization focusing on literacy, self-development, outreach, and community services.
A host of local Muslim non-profits are among the many organizations out on the ground in Orange County distributing food to people in need.
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