Kashmir Rally in Front of Indian Embassy in DC (Urdu News) | ICNA CSJ
Dunya News covered our rally that we did in partnership with USCMO in Washington, DC in front of the Indian Embassy source
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Dunya News covered our rally that we did in partnership with USCMO in Washington, DC in front of the Indian Embassy source
Register for Next Convention at http://www.icnaconvention.org/register For all ICNA-MAS Convention (2018), please visit https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLChOvaDzY_AV637HNqfB585kqnrsAdpOo The ICNA-MAS annual convention is one of the largest gatherings of American Muslims in the U.S. This is the forth consecutive year it has been held in Baltimore. It was attended by over 22,000 Muslims. It featured many top scholars and activists, in addition to many special events like 1000 Meals Distribution in Downtown Baltimore, 750 Mercy Bags distribution to senior homes and Street dawah at Inner Harbor. For more information: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icna Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/icna Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/icnatv Website: http://www.icna.org Phone: 718-658-1199 Donate at http://www.icna.org/donation/ Volunteer at http://www.icna.org/joinus/ source
Amir Muhammad, founder of America’s Islamic Heritage Museum in Washington, DC, talks about Muslim slaves in early American history. Check our website for more such talks: www.icnacsj.org source
For more information: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icna Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/icna Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/icnatv Website: http://www.icna.org Phone: 718-658-1199 Donate at http://www.icna.org/donation/ Volunteer at http://www.icna.org/joinus/ source
Donate at https://labssol.com/dev/iccna/dawah We need 400 people to donate $250 or more! Inshaa Allah Dawah has always been the top priority of ICNA. This focus has kept ICNA at the forefront of dawah activites in North America for the past four decades. Following ICNA projects aim to organize the dawah work in North America in a professional and effective manner. 877-Why-Islam Gain Peace Embrace (Supporting New Muslims) source
In order to bring more awareness around the issue of foster parenting under our Family Breakdown focus area, ICNA Council for Social Justice invited a foster recruiter from the Farifax County government office in Virginia to talk about it. There are many kids who need homes to be taken care of! In this video we discuss differences between foster and adoption as well as other FAQs about becoming foster parents. Please listen and share! source
Muslims are represented in federal prisons at a rate roughly fifteen times their proportion in the general population: 9.3 percent of inmates in federal prison self-identify as Muslims compared with 0.6 percent of adults aged 18 and over nationally. The risk of prisons imposing arbitrary limitations on Muslim prisoners’ religious practice is grave. The risk is observable in the frequency of administrative complaints from Muslim prisoners. From 1997 to 2008, Muslim federal prisoners filed the greatest number of requests for administrative remedies regarding religious accommodation of any group-42%. Furthermore, from 2001 to 2006, Muslims were the most common plaintiffs in religious freedom lawsuits in federal court, bringing 29% of cases, often without the assistance of an attorney. Muslims have historically been at the forefront of prison reform and litigation to improve prison conditions. In the 1960’s, a number of Black Muslims brought lawsuits that resulted in the extension of federal authority over state prisons. Their willingness to stand up for their rights contributed to making prison reform a subject linked to the burgeoning civil rights movement and a recognized area for civil rights litigation today. ICNA CSJ has launched a specific project to assist Muslim prisoners. For more info, please visit: http://icnacsj.org/mpsp/ source
Dr. Zahid Bukhari, ICNA CSJ Executive Director, gives an update on what was discussed in the recent congressional hearing on Kashmir. To view the hearings, please go to the following links: source
Amir Muhammad speaks about the history of Muslims in America at the ICNA CSJ Annual 2019 program in Vienna, VA. source
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