MAS – ICNA Convention 2021
It has been two years since our conventions had to be put on hold due to the pandemic and for the safety of our attendees. To bring the convention back within these difficult circumstances while being mindful of social distancing, masking, and even going as far as having COVID testing available on the premises is no small feat. ICNA recognizes and lauds the hard work of the organizers and their foresight.
The three day convention was centered around programming that was truly necessary during this time, with a strong focus on the mental health of the Muslim community. Sessions filled with Qur’anic recitation, lessons from the life of the Prophets عليهم السلام and poignant Islamic reminders were a hallmark of this convention.
May Allah SWT bless MAS for its hard work, especially in preparing this very needed gathering for our community, and may He continue to guide them to all that is good.