ICNA on January 27-29, 2023 welcomed a weekend filled with brotherhood and sisterhood, and spiritual uplifting for 250 core team members in the annual general assembly meeting in Houston, Texas. This was the first in-person meeting after COVID. In this assembly members are given an opportunity to gather on a national level to review the work of ICNA and its plans. The meeting was presided by Dr. Mohsin Ansari, who was re-elected by the members of general assembly for 2023-24. The members also felt motivated by seeing five former presidents of ICNA in this in attendance.
The major highlights of the meeting were yearly reports, oaths taken by the newly elected president and MGAs*. The members also got the opportunity to network, share ideas, vision and strategic plans.
The attending members felt that ICNA was able to achieve all the goals with the help of Allah SWT.
In the past few years the North American Muslim communities have become more vibrant than ever before, ICNA had 100,000+ participants in different events nationwide to enhance interfaith collaboration, civic engagement and a platform with unique programs and services for the Muslim community by imparting Islamic knowledge, promoting community services like social, educational, matrimonial, family, youth development, relief, social justice, career building, networking, spiritual etc.
The main event was ICNA-MAS National Convention 2022, attended by more than 25,000 people. The convention offered many social and outreach programs and services, provided networking opportunities, fostered interaction and encouraged civic engagement through services. One of the other events was Dallas Muslim Festival where 25,000 came to enjoy the event with their family and friends.
One of the highlights of the meeting were a session to “Honor our Elders”, where founders and lifelong members of ICNA shared enlightening stories with moral lessons.
With every passing year, ICNA will continue to help develop a dynamic and involved Muslim American identity that is true to the Quran and Sunnah, and encourage collaboration with people of other faiths, and serve as a unifying voice for Muslims. ICNA has maintained its vitality in leadership and service by learning from experience and sharing best practices for sustaining strong religious communities in an ever-changing environment. The members of ICNA were reminded to strive to make their families a role model to the society at large by following the teachings of Prophet Mohammad SAW.
*MGA – Member of General Assembly