In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ICNA is deeply shocked and saddened by the heinous attack that has taken place in New Orleans. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the victims, their families, and the entire community affected by this senseless tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are also with those injured, and we hope for their swift and complete recovery.
As Muslims, we clearly condemn all acts of terrorism and violence, which have no place in our faith or humanity. Islam teaches compassion, justice, and the sanctity of life, and such actions are a direct violation of these principles as Allah SWT says:
whoever kills a person, unless it is (in punishment by the authority) for murder or for spreading chaos in the land, then it is as if he has killed all of humanity. (Similarly), whoever saves a life, it is as if he has saved all humanity. (5:32)
We also urge main stream media NOT to attack a faith due to actions of a deviated individual.
There have been 488 mass shootings that took place in the USA in 2024. How many shooters were blamed for their acts because of their faith or lack of faith?
Why did media not connect Brad Spafford of Virginia to his faith. FBI arrested this white man just two days back with 150 explosive devices.
The Louisiana criminal is not an immigrant. He is a Texan army veteran of the Afghan war who was honorably discharged.
ICNA also calls on people of all faiths and backgrounds to come together in unity and resilience against hatred and extremism in all its forms. We remain committed to fostering peace, understanding, and community support. Let this tragedy remind us all of the importance of rejecting division and embracing compassion and mutual respect.
May we all work together to build a future, free of hate and violence!