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Notre Dame Fire: Letter from Sh. Khan to Cardinal Cupich

April 16, 2019 – Shaykh Abdool Rahman Khan, co-chairs the National Catholic Muslim Dialog with Cardinal Blase Cupich. Below is the letter he wrote expressing his thoughts on the burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Solitary Confinement Ban: VR tour helps religious groups

Religion News Service (RNS) — At a one-day conference on torture later this week, the Rev. Ron Stief, a United Church of Christ minister, will display his latest educational tool to dramatize what it’s like to live in solitary confinement.

Billboard campaign in Dallas on Hijab misconceptions

By STELLA M. CHÃVEZ, Texas Public Radio   Ruman Sadiq says the current political climate has led to misperceptions of Muslim women. That’s why she hopes a new six-week billboard campaign will encourage people to call and ask questions about the hijab, or head scarf.

Dr. Khurshid Khan, former ICNA President passes away

NEW YORK, NY (Feb. 22, 2019) – Dr. Khurshid Khan, President of ICNA (2005-2008) passed away last night at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. He was 81. Dr. Khan was also the former Vice President of New York Majlis ash Shura, the umbrella body of all Muslim organizations in New York and the Chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Catholic-Muslim Dialogue.

'An amazing, amazing example': Morton Grove, IL

Morton Grove honors family that wrote note offering help during bitter cold By Daniel I. Dorfman, Feb 19, 2019   A Morton Grove family who offered assistance and hospitality to their neighbors during the depths of the late January polar vortex received recognition for their efforts at the Feb. 11 village board meeting.