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ICNA CSJ and ICNA Relief: An Intro by ICNA

For more information: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Website: Phone: 718-658-1199 Donate at Volunteer at source

Charity Full Circle: ICNA Releif Documentary 2019

Check out ICNA Relief’s 2019 Documentary titled Charity Full Circle. ICNA Relief is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity serving the USA via programs such as hunger prevention, refugee services, disaster relief, free health fairs & health clinics, back 2 school giveaways, family counseling, education and much more! * Its 33+ food pantries & weekly food distributions serve 50K+ weekly * It serves over 3,000 #Refugees here in the US annually * It has responded to over 40 disasters nationwide * It operates 7 free health clinics * We operate 17+ women’s transitional housing facilities * It gives out over 20K school bags each year to children in lower income communities For more info visit: What people say: “ICNA Relief does a great job of domestically distributing the Zakat funds and charity on behalf of the Muslim community” – Sh. Abdul Nasir Jangda “It is indeed interested in feeding the hungry, in helping the poor, in finding space for Widows and Orphans to live, in doing what our religion requires us to do” – Sh. Yasir Qadhi For more information: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Website: Phone: 718-658-1199 Donate at Volunteer at source

Like A Good Tree | Imam Rafiq Mahdi | ICNA Dawah Conf 2020

Like A Good Tree In Surah Ibrahim, verses 24-25, Allah (SWT) has likened the pure word as a good tree. When we have Eman, we are too are like a good tree that is alive, beautiful, beneficial and essential. Just like a full grown tree is not new, our Eman is based on solid foundation taught and practiced by Prophets (pbuh). Just like a good tree, Eman anchors us, gives us stability, and like a high tree, Eman cannot be hidden, rather it is visible. It is evergreen and gives fruits in all seasons. What better way to put this in practice by doing Dawah through social services. In this talk, we will see how ICNA Relief’s work Dawah Indeed and how it is a fruit of the pure word. Alhamdulillah! For more information: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Website: Phone: 718-658-1199 Donate at Volunteer at Donate/Support Prophet’s (p) Mission source

ICNA Relief: Responding to a Pandemic

As in previous years, through its numerous programs and services, ICNA Relief, has continued to provide for the greater American community and assist in the betterment and empowerment of people across the country.

5 Things To Know On World Food Day 2020 In Skokie

SKOKIE, IL — Food is seen as a basic human right, yet the coronavirus pandemic has caused an unprecedented spike in hunger, affecting families right here in Skokie as well as others living in the far corners of the world.

The 2020 NYC 40 Under 40 Rising Stars

Domna Antoniadis attended Fordham Law School with the aim of combining her interest in law and health care, which she did in part by co-founding the school’s health law club. She interned with the LegalHealth division of the New York Legal Assistance Group and later completed a post-graduate fellowship at the organization before being hired as a staff attorney.