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The Coronavirus beyond the Fiqhi Discourse

By Shaykh Abdur Rahman Khan   All praises are for Allah, The Almighty, and may His peace and blessing be upon His true servant and final Messenger Muhammad, on his Companions and his household.

ICNA Convention in Northeast: a tremendous success.

Boston, MA (December 3, 2019) – The Islamic Circle of North America’s (ICNA) convention at Worcester, Massachusetts was a tremendous success. Over 3,000 people attended the event that was also addressed by U.S. Senator Edward Markey and Mayor Joseph Petty.  

The Impact of 9/11 on the Muslim Community

by Adem Carroll, The Message International   The September 11th terror attack had a complex emotional, social, and economic impact on the Muslim American community, and especially upon the extensive immigrant Arab, South Asian, and African Muslim populations of New York City.

Rally for Kashmir in Los Angeles by ICNA CSJ

(LOS ANGELES, Aug. 9, 2019) – ICNA Council for Social Justice-California today organized the country’s largest and one of the first rallies for Kashmir in Los Angeles in collaboration with other organizations to protest India’s recent moves in Kashmir.

ICNA Denounces Attack on New Haven Mosque

—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—   NEW YORK, NY (May 15, 2019) – The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) denounces the arson attack the Diyanet Mosque of New Haven last Sunday as a senseless act of hatred that goes against the core American values of religious freedom and tolerance.

Joint Ramadan greeting by S. Californian Muslim Orgs

—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—   Southern California, CA (May 4, 2019) – The Southern California Chapter of The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) joined other organizations that represent the Muslims of Southern California, in issuing the first joint Ramadan greeting to the community.

My Heart Shook In New Zealand

By Dr. Mohsin Ansari   One would imagine that a person would be dead-tired and ready to crash in his bed after a grueling, 36-hour journey from Christchurch, New Zealand to Washington, DC. And I will admit, that was the way I felt.

ICNA's message of hope & solidarity for U.S. Muslims

A Message of Hope and Solidarity from ICNA to the American Muslim Community   NEW YORK, NY (March 18, 2019) – The world woke up on Friday, March 15, 2019 to the horrific massacre unfolding in Christchurch, New Zealand.