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Empowerment Summit “The Black Man: Survival in America”

ICNA’s Outreach project WhyIslam participated in the virtual summit “The Black Man: Survival in America” by The KJLH radio station. The well organized and popular event was billed as an “Empowerment Summit”. One of the breakout sessions was conducted by WhyIslam.

ICNA commends the passing of NO BAN Act

—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE— NEW YORK, NY (July 22, 2020) – The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) commends the passing of House Resolution 2486 titled the NO BAN Act today.

Western Dawah Road Trip Underway

(Dec. 27, 2019, Los Angeles, Calif.) – The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) launched its dawah (outreach) road trip in the West.

Rally for Kashmir in Los Angeles by ICNA CSJ

(LOS ANGELES, Aug. 9, 2019) – ICNA Council for Social Justice-California today organized the country’s largest and one of the first rallies for Kashmir in Los Angeles in collaboration with other organizations to protest India’s recent moves in Kashmir.

Joint Ramadan greeting by S. Californian Muslim Orgs

—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—   Southern California, CA (May 4, 2019) – The Southern California Chapter of The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) joined other organizations that represent the Muslims of Southern California, in issuing the first joint Ramadan greeting to the community.