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Babri Masjid verdict: ICNA alarmed, urges restraint

—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—   NEW YORK, NY (November 11, 2019) – The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) today expressed alarm at the judgement passed by the Indian Supreme Court on the Babri Masjid case on November 9.

Massive rally of over 20,000 at UN. CSJ leads coalition.

[NEW YORK, NY, Sept. 27, 2019] – The New York chapter of ICNA Council for Social Justice (ICNA CSJ-NY) and other human rights and social justice organizations joined a coalition of over 20,000 protesters in front of the United Nations building in New York City to oppose the Indian government’s renewed oppression of Kashmiris.

Rally for Kashmir in Los Angeles by ICNA CSJ

(LOS ANGELES, Aug. 9, 2019) – ICNA Council for Social Justice-California today organized the country’s largest and one of the first rallies for Kashmir in Los Angeles in collaboration with other organizations to protest India’s recent moves in Kashmir.

Show of Unity with Kashmir in Florida

Orlando, FL August 15, 2019 – Several American Muslim groups in Central Florida organized a demonstration themed Show of Unity past Saturday at Lake Eola Park in downtown Orlando.

ICNA CSJ at Kashmir Rally in Detroit, Mich.

(Detroit, Mich., August 15, 2019) – ICNA Council for Social Justice (ICNA CSJ) today organized a demonstration themed “Decolonize. Resist. Dignify. Stand with Kashmir.” in Detroit, Michigan.

The Season of Hajj: A time to reflect

By Shaykh Abdool Rahman Khan   As the month of Zul-Hijjah dawns upon the Muslim Ummah, millions of Muslims, from almost every nook and corner of the globe, swoop down on Makkah for the annual pilgrimage or Hajj.

Virginia prisons put obstacles to Ramadan observance

By Maryam Saleh, The Intercept, May 25 2019   FOR THE LAST three weeks, Muslims around the world have been observing the month of Ramadan by fasting from food and drink from dawn to sunset — a period of about 16 to 18 hours in the United States.

Joint Ramadan greeting by S. Californian Muslim Orgs

—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—   Southern California, CA (May 4, 2019) – The Southern California Chapter of The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) joined other organizations that represent the Muslims of Southern California, in issuing the first joint Ramadan greeting to the community.