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(Washington, D.C., 9/24/2024) – The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) – the nation’s umbrella group of national, regional, and local Muslim associations – strongly condemns the Israeli government’s expansion of its genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank to an indiscriminate mass bombing campaign against civilians in Lebanon. USCMO also called on the Biden administration to stop the Israeli government’s attempts to drag the U.S. into an all-out war by forcing a ceasefire in Gaza.

In a statement, USCMO Secretary-General Oussama Jammal said:

“USCMO strongly condemns the Israeli government’s indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Lebanon and calls on the Biden administration to end American military and financial support until the out-of-control Netanyahu government accepts a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, completely withdraws from Gaza, and ceases its indiscriminate war on the people of Lebanon. We pray God protects the innocent peoples of the Middle East and saves the region from more death and destruction paid for with American taxpayer dollars.”

The Israeli indiscriminate bombardment of Lebanon today – exclusively targeting heavily populated civilian centers – bears the monstrous hallmark of Israeli military doctrine of deliberately attacking civilians.

Here are the horrors it wreaked (with its U.S.-made weaponry) on Lebanon’s population in just hours today:

➟ 35 Children Killed

➟ 39 Women Killed

➟ 492 Civilians Killed

➟ 2 Medics Killed

➟ 1,246 Seriously Wounded

That means in less than a week, the Israeli military’s civilian-killing war machine has deliberately obliterated more than 500 innocent lives.

This is Israeli military doctrine. Giora Eiland, former military head of the Israeli National Security Council and head of IDF Planning, recently articulated this publically, justifying his plan for the complete ethnic cleansing and total siege of northern Gaza:

“The slogan that ‘only military pressure will bring victory’ has no basis whatsoever. The wars of the 21st century are based on something else. The most important parameter is [targeting] the population, and those who can control the population win the war,” he said. “You [have to] take away both [the population’s] land and dignity.”

USCMO condemns Israeli aggression into Lebanon and its doctrine of targeting civilians.

It calls on the Biden administration to publically make clear the U.S. will not support or engage in Israeli wars in the Middle East.

USCMO calls for an immediate U.S. Israeli arms embargo and a cessation of all American military and financial support until the Israelis have accepted a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, completely withdrawn from Gaza, and ceased its aggression against Lebanon.

We pray that God protects the innocent peoples of the Middle East and saves the region from war.


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