Category: Education


What Does Islam Say About the COVID-19 Pandemic

Divine Guidance About Pandemics. Contemporary Fiqhi Issues Regarding Coronavirus.   As COVID-19 has become a global pandemic, the Muslim community faces new, unprecedented Juristic (Fiqhi) and spiritual issues. This paper seeks to clarify these issues, as there is rampant misinformation and confusion among the global Muslim community.

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Washing (Ghusl) of Coronavirus victim

Sh. Abdur Rahman Khan It should be noted that washing the deceased is among the Fardh-Kifaayah (communal obligation) for Muslims. It is for the Ghaasil (one washing the body) to use every protective means to make sure he is not affected by the washing the deceased.

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The Status of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Rabiul Awwal 1441 AH By Shaykh Abdur Rahman   All praises are for Allah SWT, The Creator, Lord and Controller of all that exists and may His peace and blessings be on His true servant and final Messenger Muhammad. Verily, the best speech is the Book of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (SAS).

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The Season of Hajj: A time to reflect

By Shaykh Abdool Rahman Khan   As the month of Zul-Hijjah dawns upon the Muslim Ummah, millions of Muslims, from almost every nook and corner of the globe, swoop down on Makkah for the annual pilgrimage or Hajj.

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