Daily ICNA Webinars

ICNA brings to you informative, educational and valuable online programming for the entire family via its webinars by renowned experts and scholars. Register today: https://labssol.com/dev/iccna/webinar/

Self-help and useful information during the COVID-19 Pandemic for individuals, families, community and organizations:

CDC Webpage

FEMA Rumor Control Page

Small Business Administration- Disaster Loan Assistance-Declaration Details

FEMA Support Under Emergency Declaration

Get Your Mass Gatherings or Large Community Events Ready

Frequently Asked Questions About Use of Stockpiled N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators for Protection from COVID-19

Interim Guidance for Protecting Health Care Workers from Exposure to 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

Covid-19 Public Health Guidance for Individuals With Access And Functional Needs

Search COVID-19 test sites:


Go to clinics instead of crowded large facilities. Testing and Treatments are free. Verify information by contacting before proceeding.

Guidance for Funeral Directors:


Assembly of Muslim Jurists of American released these guidelines on the Rights of Muslims who die from COVID-19 **NEW**

Tips for Protecting Yourself:

  1. Covid-19 Printable Resources form the CDC **NEW**
  2. Covid-19 Information from CDC
  3. How to Prepare – CDC
  4. CDC Briefing Room: COVID-19 Update and Risks
  5. 10 Things You Can Do to Manage COVID-19 at Home
  6. 6 Steps to Prevent COVID-19
  7. Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019
  8. What You Need To Know About Handwashing
  9. What can I do to protect myself from COVID-19?
  10. Managing Stress & Anxiety – CDC
  11. CDC Guide to Cleaning


Islamic Lectures:

  1. Daily ICNA Webinars: https://labssol.com/dev/iccna/webinar/
  2. Tuesday Halaqa Series -Coronavirus: Panic or Don’t Panic? – Dr. Haifaa Yunus
  3. Advice in Light of Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Shaykh Dr.Yasir Qadhi | Khutbah
  4. Neglected Blessings and Unique Opportunities of the Coronavirus – Sh. Omar Suleiman
  5. The Plague that Killed Sahaba and the Coronavirus – Sh. Omar Suleiman
  6. Imam Magid Facebook Lecture to Community
  7. Imam Azhar Subedar Facebook Lecture to Community
  8. Coronavirus and Muslims – Mufti Menk
  9. Webinar: Yaqeen Institute – Coronavirus: Spirituality, Anxiety, Practicality

Mental Health:

  1. Self Care During This Difficult Time – Saadia Yunus, LMFT
  2. Islamic and Self-Care Reminders During Times of Fear – Saadia Yunus, LMFT
  3. How to Be a Calm Parent During Anxious Times – Saadia Yunus, LMFT
  4. God is Taking Care of Us: A Reminder From the Quran – Saadia Younus, LMFT
  5. Mental (and spiritual) health during the Coronavirus Crisis – Sadia Jalali
  6. COVID-19 and dealing with anxiety and fear – Rabab Alma
  7. Anxiety in the Age of Covid-19 – Dr. Nafisa Sekandari


  1. Prophetic Guidance on Epidemic Disease: Coronavirus 2020
  2. The Role of Psychiatrists during an Outbreak
  3. Helping Children Cope with During and After Disaster
  4. Coping with Coronavirus – Yaqeen Institute
  5. Teaching Kids about Coronavirus – Mindheart.co (PDFs in Various Languages)
  6. North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) Guide for Islamic Nonprofits during COVID-19 


Health & Safety Resources

  1. Fiqh Council Statement on Prayer and Funeral Issues Pertaining to COVID19-March 24, 2019
  2. If you are housebound for whatever reason or want to help those who are by running errands, sign up at Next Door Helper. There is no personal contact or exchange of money. Find out more here.
  3. Center for Disease Control: https://www.cdc.gov/
  4. World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/
  5. Dial 2-1-1 on your phone for a 24-hour referral hotline to local community services.
  6. COVID-19: Recommended Preventative Practices and FAQs for Faith-based and Community Leaders
  7. Coronavirus Guidance for Muslim Nonprofits – Shariq Siddiqui JD PhD
  8. Virtual Learning: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zJyYVKdcqaKvcI3sbhLEnY9dh20GS97FziUaMZr2X84/edit?usp=sharing

General FAQ

  1. https://coronavirus.ucsf.edu/faqs#
  2. Charter Communications/Spectrum has announced the expansion of broadband internet services to households with students, low-income households without school-aged children, and more. The attached press release provides additional information.
  3. Elder Care Services: https://forms.gle/dPZSkowZ1TY3yeqk8
  4. Podcast for Elder Resources: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122433/coronavirus-and-our-elders

Resources for Online meetings/Lectures/Classrooms

  1. Zoom, the basic plan is FREE
  2. Google Classroom, FREE web service for schools
  3. Microsoft TEAMSStudent and/or educator Free
  4. Scholastic Learn at Home has many activities for school-age children who may be at home due to school closures

Free and low-cost services

On March 18, 2020, President Trump signed the bipartisan Families First Coronavirus Response Act. This bill responds to the coronavirus outbreak by providing paid sick leave and free coronavirus testing, expanding food assistance and unemployment benefits, and requiring employers to provide additional protections for health care workers. The Sikh Coalition has provided these important details about this act.  Read the Congress summary here or the entire bill here.

  1. https://pennyappealusa.org/grants/covid-19-financial-hardship-grant
  2. Free Legal consultation available regarding COVID19 outbreak. Email CoronaLegalTaskForce@Gmail.com 
  3. Economic Injury Disaster Loans are now available to small businesses: Apply online: disasterloan.sba.gov
  4. Internet for low-income Households: https://www.internetessentials.com/Apply

Islamic Resources



AMJA Declaration Regarding Coronavirus Disease


Special acknowledgement and thanks to Islamic Shura Council of Southern California for collecting these resources.

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Islamic Circle of North America
166-26 89th Ave
Jamaica, Queens
NY 11432

Telephone/Fax: (855) 855-ICNA (4262)