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The ICNA is celebrating the upcoming arrival of a group of Rohingya refugee families
Feb 17, 2019 by: Dana Roberts
Kitchener, Canada – The Islamic Circle of North America’s (ICNA) local group is celebrating the long Family Day weekend.

A free event was held this afternoon at the Family Centre.
It was attended by local dignitaries including Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic and local MP’s Raj Saini and Marwan Tabbara.
They were celebrating the upcoming arrival of a group of about 10 Rohingya refugee families.
The sponsorship is a group effort between the Government of Canada and ICNA Relief Canada, a subsidiary of ICNA Canada.
The Rohingya people primarily come from Myanmar. According to MP Marwan Tabbara of Kitchener South Hespeler, a speaker at the event, there are more than 700,000 Rohingya refugees that are now based in Bangladesh in dire conditions. He tells 570 NEWS that events like today are very important.
“They are looking for more advocacy within the community. There are still atrocities that are happening within Mayanmar.”
Anwar Arkani, the President of the Rohingya Association of Canada, is thankful for the sponsorships.
“By engaging this type of program we will be able to save many families and many lives who are absolutely hopeless now.”
The ICNA sponsored families haven’t arrived in the region yet, but they have received their visas.
Article Courtesy: Kitchener Today

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