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Imam Tauqer Shah Appreciates ICNA Houston’s Billboards!

Hear Imam Tauqer Shah talk about ICNA Houston’s current billboards. Join ICNA Houston, Imam Tauqer Shah and the thousands of others who have been effected by our billboards and called to support our Dawah efforts. Please support our community and ICNA Houston. Dawah 2021 #LocalZakat #RamadanRewards #ICNAHouston #Community #COVID19 #Relief #Houston #Billboards #Dawah source

ICNA-MAS South Convention 2013: Love Struck

ICNA-MAS South Central Convention – Houston Texas : Love Struck Obstacles to Marriage Sh. Omar Suleiman Misconceptions about Love Sh. Saad Tasleem Prophet’s (sws) Married Life Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan source

Floyd Killing: Webinar, Petition, Rallies by ICNA CSJ

On Monday, May 25, thousands watched in horror as Houston native George Floyd’s took his last struggled breaths while his life was taken without any cause or concern by an officer of the Minneapolis Police Department.

PPE Safety kits distributed at the ICNA Relief Eid Gift Drive

(Houston-TX) In unprecedented challenge of COVID-19 has hit the residents of 4th largest Metropolis of USA – Houston. The Pakistani community jointly launched its relief efforts. The Consulate General of Pakistan in Houston joined Pakistani organizations such as Pakistan Association of Greater Houston (PAGH), Alliance for Disaster Relief & others.

ICNA Convention in Houston attracts over 2,700

HOUSTON, TX (December 4, 2019) – The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) organized its regional convention during the Thanksgiving weekend in Houston, Texas. The convention attracted over 2,700 people from all over Texas.

Billboard campaign in Dallas on Hijab misconceptions

By STELLA M. CHÃVEZ, Texas Public Radio   Ruman Sadiq says the current political climate has led to misperceptions of Muslim women. That’s why she hopes a new six-week billboard campaign will encourage people to call and ask questions about the hijab, or head scarf.